Sustainable Munchkin
Our Sustainable Munchkin program includes encouraging children to:
Bring recyclable materials from home
Turn the water off after washing hands
Turn the lights off when leaving the room or when natural light is sufficient
Recycle paper and rubbish
Empty drinking bottles and cups onto the garden
Participate in activities such as seed sprouting, weeding, vegetable gardens and cooking.
Munchkin Manor is committed to protecting our environment to ensure a sustainable future for our children. We embed sustainable practices and teach our children the importance of taking care of our planet.
Please click here to continue reading about our "Hi-Tech Munchkin" educational program

Contact Form
Please feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
A 19 Gozo Road
Greystanes, NSW, 2145
P 8606 3237
A 19 Morshead Avenue
Carlingford, NSW, 2118