School Readiness
The Early Years Learning Framework is an Australian Government initiative, to ensure your child receives high-quality education in the childcare setting. It underpins our curriculum and lies at the heart of everything we do at Munchkin Manor.
Children who graduate from Munchkin Manor successfully start school with confidence and develop the foundations for lifelong learning. Our promise to you is that we will work with your child with love, passion and dedication to ensure they gain this advantage before they start big school.

Skills we recognise and work towards within the Curriculum:
Ask to go to the toilet independently.
Does up their buttons.
Use a tissue.
Write their own first and surname.
Hold a pencil.
Lines up.
Puts rubbish in the bin.
Claps to the beat of the music.
Sings or says nursery rhymes.
Asks questions.
​Stacks blocks.
Manipulate scissors.
Sit with legs crossed.
State their address.
Finish a task once they have started
Hold a book correctly.
Turn pages in a story.
Throw and catch a ball.
Basic counting out loud skills.
Recognise numbers.
Take turns.
Identify different sounds.
Express worries verbally.
Retell events.
Listen without interrupting.
Recognise colours.
Leave parents willingly.
Co-operate with adults and children.
Take a partners hand.
Understands they will be away from family all day.
Express feelings without kicking or punching.
Uses swings and slippery dips.
Cope with jobs and responsibilities at home.
Contact Form
Please feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
E greystanes@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Gozo Road
Greystanes, NSW, 2145
P 8606 3237
E carlingford@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Morshead Avenue
Carlingford, NSW, 2118