Meals & Nutrition
At Munchkin Manor we believe that creating healthy eating habits is so important for lifelong health and wellbeing. Our onsite chefs prepare wholesome, natural, nutritious, tasty and fun meals. Our four week menu cycle has been approved by Munch and Move and is always being reviewed and updated based on our children and families.
Our families are supported in maximising their child’s health and wellbeing and are kept updated on the current ‘Australian Dietary Guidelines’ and ‘Healthy Eating and Physical Activities’ for children. We love having our parents spend time with us at the centre to share family recipes and cooking experiences with the children.
We know what an important role nutrition plays in supporting healthy, optimal growth and development, so we have made it our responsibility to provide your child with meals and snacks which are full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential for growing bodies and learning minds. We love having meals together around a table, creating a sense of community and belonging.

It is our goal to:
• Help children develop healthy eating habits
• Ensure meal times are a social and positive time
• Provide a wide and nourishing variety of foods from all of the core food groups
• Support a good relationship with food
• Encourage children to try new foods, new colours and new textures
We provide five meals per day, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late afternoon tea. All within the standard fee. We cater for children with allergies, food intolerances, different cultural requirements and vegetarians. We are a breastfeeding friendly centre and we support mothers to continue for as long as they wish.
Contact Form
Please feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
P 9896 2772
E greystanes@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Gozo Road
Greystanes, NSW, 2145
P 8606 3237
E carlingford@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Morshead Avenue
Carlingford, NSW, 2118