Hi-Tech Munchkin
In a world where technology is ever expanding, it is of great importance to equip our leaders of tomorrow with the right tools and strategies to manage and navigate the world around them. This is where our Hi Tech Munchkin program comes in. We teach your children how to form healthy habits in this digital world.
Research confirms that the intentional and developmentally appropriate use of technology can support children’s learning and development.
Therefore, we have purposefully and appropriately integrated technology into children’s learning experiences.
Our technology includes SMART boards, iPads and cameras. Digital devices are also used by educators to capture and share your child’s individualised learning journey with you.
Please click here to continue reading about our "Big-School Munchkin" educational program
Contact Form
Please feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
E greystanes@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Gozo Road
Greystanes, NSW, 2145
P 8606 3237
E carlingford@munchkinmanor.com.au
A 19 Morshead Avenue
Carlingford, NSW, 2118